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Remold (Reminding Everyone of Mental Obstacles and Liberating from Depression). Remold is an app we the CAPS students are in the process of making. This app is the to help students with depression or mental problems. The app is to help rebuild confidence and self-esteem that has been torn down by themselves and others around them. We want to give teens, resources that can help them and other when they hit a lot points in their life.



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Zero Reasons why is a stand against teen suicide because over the past years the rate of suicide have sky rocketed and this organization is teen based where we spread personal stories and give a lending hand to others in need. Zero reasons why is based off of thirteen reason why because it something that catches the teen population and gives a tone of what this organization is all about.

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Pozi KC is a class company that is student run. We were given the opportunity to expand our business and help advance it to the next level. We sell therapy dough with essential oil. We believe that everyone is busies and stressed and sometimes needs a break where they can relax by kneading the dough.

The MNU committee that I was on this year was to help create a conference for future teacher which are student and help test their skills as a teacher. The MNU conference allows students to see how teaching is like today with many guest speakers and allowing the student participate in mock interviews, create lesson plans, give a speech abut something they are passionate about in the education strand.

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